Ski down with parallels skis. Straight runs should be done on a shallow slope, don’t underestimate how fast a student can go or how far. You should also be considering Class Management (todo), because you can only be in one place at a time. Carpet Mommies might be around to assist in wrangling students, but this is not guaranteed. When picking a spot be sure that no-one else is around, because your students do not have the ability to stop and might run into someone blocking their path. The bottom of the hill should have a long flat runout so that the students can slow down and stop. The magic carpets at Snoqualmie is where we do this. Even though a straight run can be done in a relaxed stance, Athletic Stance should be enforced when a student is in motion in order get in the habit of always doing it. (don’t be mean when correcting their stance). Pointing skis down the hill can be a challenge for beginners as they may start to move the more their skis point at the Fall Line. If appropriate give them something to hold them until they are ready to go, like a hand or an arm.

Example Straight Run Lesson


  • Students should be comfortable moving in boots and with and without skis on flat ground
  • Students should be able to put their skis on with minimal help (younger students might struggle more and that’s OK)


  • Successfully balance with even distribution on two skis while gliding down a short hill to flat
  • Keep athletic stance engaged with weight forward throughout run, especially during acceleration
  • Side-step up the hill to start doing their straight run


  • Put student on short slope with flat runout so they will stop at the end of their run, ensure they understand they will stop regardless
  • Teach them sidestepping to get up the hill (Edging)
  • Emphasize squishing the bug/athletic stance while gliding


  • Do a whole bunch of straight runs but make it into a game!
  • Zombies to keep the forward pressure, throw a snowball


  • Be sure your students are NOT keeping their weight too far back (riding dirty) and falling out of the athletic stance. Look for ski tips off the snow or space between shins and the front of the boot to indicate they are leaning too far back


  • Play games which bring the student out of the backseat (zombies, squish the bug, etc.)

Techno Jargon: Most students will have issues with proper balancing while going downhill, ensure they really understand staying in the athletic stance which will help them shred way harder. The main purpose of this step is to get students comfortable sliding in the snow.